Sunday, 30 December 2012

By Request

For every action there is a reaction. For every cause, an effect. For every thing there is also a counter, or an opposite. 

This is taught on Sesame Street as well as in Public schools from Daycare right through to High School. We learn the opposite of up is down and in is out. We learn that Math has opposites, Science has opposites, even politics have opposites, and counters to the opposition. Music and art have primary and secondary and opposites to the primary’s and secondaries! There is no shortage of opposites for as the saying goes, “Opposites attract”! 

If you have ever read of heard anything about the Bible than you would have probably heard that there is also a Christ and an opposite to Christ, the Anti-christ. Christ’s exact opposite. Both are mentioned often in the books of Daniel and Isaiah, but mostly Revelation. Where Christ leads by example, truth, love, kindness, gentleness, grace and mercy the Anti-christ will dominate by fear, heavy handedness, lies and deceit. He will promise one thing but give you another. This is as simplistic an explanation as this non-theologian can come up with now. If it behooves you, please study these books. They are rather interesting, intense and as it is with Revelation, the only book of the Bible that comes with a promise of blessing for those who just read it. Not understanding it, just reading it brings blessing. I digress...

I am by no means a student of phycology, a theologian, or anything else that matters to people of status in society. I am on the other hand a person who watches, listens and deeply cares for and about others. Some people, for some reason, God allows me the privilege of getting to know. Sometimes it is to learn and grow from them. Other times it is to be a blessing to them in some way. This is why this topic I am attempting to broach is before me now. 

So, with my little explanation of opposites in the back of your mind I’m going to just jump right in because I don’t know how else to start this topic. I’ve danced around it now far too long and attempted to write several times all with the result of deleting anything typed.

As every “Christian” knows there are sins in life to be avoided. Promiscuous behavior, alcohol, smoking, cursing, gambling, drugs of any kind and gluttony. When all is said and done, it is anything that takes the place of God in your life that is really the sin. Anything that would consume your resources of time, thoughts, money, respect, and reverence. A lot of things can and do fit in that category, for christians and non-christians alike. I have recently begun to question some of the “do nots” I learned as a new believer over 20 years ago. Like “do not drink” and the more subtle secondary rules that I somehow learned by fear, “do not associate with drinkers, or those who do drugs”.

I’m not sure what was more scary. The idea that they might harm me due to their addictions, or somehow trick me into also becoming addicted! It’s all very silly now when I think about it because Jesus regularly hung out with “sinners”. It was for them He came for to release from their addictions, their sufferings, their heart aches, and their sicknesses. It is very sad that now a large portion of christians cut themselves off from those who need the truth the most...another bunny trail for another blog.

My new found freedom in questioning what I once learned has lead me to someone who smokes weed (See blog “A God Set Up”). I ask a lot of questions he found out. Not because I am enticed by the effects of it, but because I am interested in just learning another point of view. If I learned one thing well in the last few years, it is that there is some truth in everything. I like to seek it out and point it out to others. To bring perspective and clarity.

My seeking and asking has just lead me to more seeking and reading and watching. I have now been introduced to The Joe Rogan Experience and his two hour interview with Graham Hancock who talked about many interesting topics but also DMT, weed and Ayahuasca. I have now searched out and read about Ayahuasca on the internet. I have even watched the movie Growing Op. No, I have not tried weed, nor do I ever plan on it but I have come to an understanding of it. And that is what all this is about. 

The thing that struck me the most was Graham Hancock's explanation of the hallucinogenic drink Ayahuasca used in the Amazon. He continued to refer to it as if it had a personality. He said it is possible to ‘ask her for something’. He described that partaking of Ayahuasca should be done as a spiritual experience and “it is nearly always said that people experience profound positive changes in their life subsequent to consuming ayahuasca”. “People who have consumed ayahuasca report having deep insight as how to be the best person they possibly can. This is viewed by many as a spiritual awakening and what's often described as a rebirth.” - Wikipedia 

I had been wondering about all this for days. I knew I would never consume it but there was nothing in its description that sent up red flags as to why I shouldn’t either. Then suddenly it hit me. The way it was describe by Mr. Hancock as a person I realized that it was a counter to Holy Spirit! If there is something that can take the place of God in our lives, and there will be an Anti-christ in the end days then of course there has to also be a counter for Holy Spirit. I actually did discuss this revelation with a local phycologist and he agreed that I was right on with my deduction. It is not so much an escape to partake in these kinds of things, all though it can be. It is rather a desire for more. A desire to find and touch something bigger than ourselves. A desire to overcome the parts of us we hate and become a better person.

Holy Spirit is described as the third person in the trinity of the Godhead. An entity with his own personality and function. “He” is the one who shows us the wrongs in our lives and directs us to be better people. It is in the accepting of Jesus as the Son of God and the subsequent indwelling of Holy Spirit in us when we do believe that is called being “born again”. It is this experience that brings meaning to many peoples lives. An inner joy, peace and contentment, even the feeling of being loved are all ways people have described the rebirth experience. This experience is life time lasting. Even in all that I have been through and described in this blog, or even complained about and questioned, underlying it all is still a hope that keeps me from complete desperation and hopelessness. 

Of course as I understand more I desire more. When I was a new christian the newness in itself was enough. 20+ years later and I desire deeper relationship with God and His people and world. I do desire the overwhelming experience of His joy and love for me. It’s possible for Him to give us those experiences.  There are a few I have experienced I have not yet shared in this forum. Perhaps I will. There is tell of amazing displays of Gods goodness and love in the lives of Mystics. One book to read about that topic would be John Crowders book, The New Mystics.

What have you experienced of God? Weather it be upon your first accepting Him as your God or since then? Do not think any experience is small or insignificant! God is a good God and will show up and most likely has shown up in your life and made Himself known to you. Share with the rest of us to encourage us and to encourage yourself.
I would love to hear about what you have experienced of God.

Poem: A Love Like Jonathan

A Love Like Jonathan
by Jennifer Mersereau

Divine encounter
Words exchanged
Heart no longer seeking

Instant bond
Spirits Entwined 
Love at first meeting

Covenant Love
Loyalty unquestioned
I’d chose you over blood relations
Every time

I wrote this little poem about the deep Godly love between David and Jonathan. It is a love that transcends gender, social status and blood relation. If we are alert enough we too can find such a love. It may or may not be with your spouse. It may last a life time or be a one time meeting.
I have been blessed enough to have encountered my Jonathan love but struggled with the deep feelings for some time. Not knowing how to categorize the relationship and depth of feelings caused an uncomfortableness internally for a few years. Then suddenly with one sentence someone else said it brought clarity and confirmation that it was not wrong but Godly and a gift. One I chose to embrace and cherish as long as I blessed with it.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Forgetting my Place.

Dear Friend;
Have you ever regretted what came out of your mouth the second it hit the air? 
Have you ever felt like you just got used by an enemy or unseen force that made you do what you would never purposely do in a million years?
I had that very experience happen to me this week, and I'm not very happy about it at all!
In fact I cried (not a thing that comes easy to me) often for the next 24 hours and had trouble sleeping two nights because of it.  I am just so mad at myself for stupidly getting angry when I had no right to be. Mad for hurting you when there was no reason for it.
I am pretty sure I have figured out why I got angry in the first place. So please, let me explain and apologize.
My friend, you are so very dear to me, and though our ages are not even close, we have spent much time together over the last two years. Many times we have gone out for coffee, or you would come to my home and just hang out with my family. I have even written about you before. That time we had spent an amazing night together driving, getting lost and worshipping (See An Unexpected Night). Most of the time I am in awe of you. You are a strong women who has an amazing relationship with God. Plus you sing and play instruments beautifully (I may be a bit jealous, yes). Sometimes I have even wondered why you choose to spend time with me when you have so many other friends your own age.
That is where I began to go wrong. I had forgotten my place in your life. Not thinking you are better than I or visa versa. I understand that in the Kingdom of God we are ALL co-labourers for the Kingdom and co-heirs with Christ. We are a team, each with different gifts and abilities to use for Gods glory. But like a team, there are different jobs that we fit into. Those jobs sometimes overlap, intermingle, or run along side each other without actually connecting.
For instance, since I work at Tim Hortons I will use an example from there. Our team of 12 staff during the day time rush works best when we are all on task at our jobs. Each person is assigned to a specific job in the morning. But, during the day it is often required that some of us help in another capacity in order for our purpose of serving our customers in a fast and friendly way to be fulfilled well. That means when I’m on counter serving customers that sometimes it is best for me to go help the staff on Sandwich Unit by bringing them the bagels they need to fill my customers order, or letting the baker know they need more of a certain item they are running low on. Sometimes it's easier and quicker for the gals on the Unit to bring the finished sandwich to my customer so I can assist the next customer in line. It's team work.
What would not work is if one of the team working in the Sandwich Unit got more concerned with what I get to do, interacting with the great customers! If that team member kept leaving her post and coming to the counter to interact with the customers we would not have any sandwiches to serve. Likewise, in the Kingdom we have different posts we must keep. To forget your place and step into a place that is not your “assigned task” (this is more a sketch than a hard fast legalistic thing) it can cause a disruption in the functioning of the Body of Christ.
THAT is what happened to me. I was wanting to walk the same journey as you my friend, instead of assisting you in your own journey. I forgot my place, and because I did I caused you and myself pain. I remember that I knew before where my place was in your life. Then I started feeling jealous (sounds so harsh a word) that I didn’t get to experience some of the fun things you did with other friends. I wanted those experiences. I sort of wanted to re-live my 20’s with you. Something I had wasted of my own because of fear. I wanted you as a best friend. Again, something I didn’t really have growing up. I stepped out of my place, just a little at first. I didn’t even notice I did it. What it led to was me actually being jealous when you were not with me. Sad. It sounds so sad and pathetic.
As you experienced, my full downfall occurred this week when I actually told you off. I was hurt that you were shutting my attempt of stepping into another role down. That hurt turned quickly to anger.
My place, which I was in, and hope to be in again is to be a safe place for you. To be the person you can just come and be with. The listening ear, without fear of motherly advice speeches. The shoulder to lean on when you feel worn out, beaten up or overwhelmed by life or circumstances. I’m to be the calm within the whirlwind of your life. I’m to be the one who goes shopping with you when you can’t stand the idea of crowds. Mine is a safe family you can rest in where there is no drama. I’m suppose to be the one who rejoices with you at all the little accomplishments, because I know just how big those little accomplishments are. It is who God made me to be. Not just for you, but I have so loved being that for you. 
Both parties win when both parties honor each other and operate in their given giftings.
As I’ve heard said...there is no “I” in Team, or “me” for that matter. Working together for the good of others is when the Body of Christ functions well together. That brings Him glory.
I love you my friend, and I’m so very sorry. Please forgive me.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

A God Set Up

Yerba Mate
I saw weed for the first time yesterday. It looks like Yerba Mate, or alfalfa powder. I was taken aback by the freedom at which it was pulled out and shown to me. More so because I didn't want anyone else to see. It is after all an illegal substance in Canada still. How did I, a 40-something "Christian" Mom come to a place in her life where I would be shown weed? That's a very good question. One that I would have very judgementally assumed an answer to back ten years ago. Instead the answer is so simple it may be shocking to the legalistic mindset, which I used to have.
It's called love and grace. Mountains and oceans of it; and ten years ago I would never have been able to give that answer. Mostly because I had never really understood what those were by experience until only a few years ago.   
I lived a life of faith, fuelled more by fear than by love. I was the one who believed with everything in me that God was good, so long as I did all the right things. If it was preached from the front of a church with passion and conviction then I would attempt to live it. I sang loud and danced in the aisles. I managed my money with the hopes that if I was a good steward of what we had than more would come our way. I was more interested in what God would do for me or give me for my obedience or passion then I was interested in who He was, or what He had already done for me. I thought that if I prayed consistently for my family then they would be protected. This was reinforced when I forgot to pray for five days in a row and one of our children broke a leg. I was devastated. I ended up feeling more ignored or forgotten by God than loved and blessed because my limited understanding of love was wrong. But at the time I didn't know that. Living this legalistic way brought more pain and hurt than joy and blessing. I see now that the blessings did come, in spite of myself. 
I am a different person now then I was back then. Since that time I have been loved. Truly loved by people who have an amazing understanding of how good God's love is and how encompassing His grace is to those who dare to accept it. I was loved in spite of my crazy, my obsessions, my depression, my fears, my hurts, my lashing out in hurt, my anger, and my stubbornness. I was horrible at relationship because I didn't feel loved or worthy of love. My problems were too big for others to handle and I had nothing of value to offer anyone.  
For a while I lived in the shadows of the former me. My emotional walls, not as high and thick as they once were, still up. I felt like everything was too good to be true. I had stopped reading the Bible. I no longer prayed as often. I didn't write out my prayers like I had once done and I couldn't even sing some of the worship songs with feeling or conviction. I felt like I was in a no mans land waiting for the bottom to drop out. I didn't know how else to live out the middle ground of what I once was and what i now was experiencing. Instead I just shut down.
Now I am so thankful that those walls were loved into pieces! The more freedom I live in the more freedom I learn is available to me. I have found out that I am a treasure hunter. I have the privilege of hunting for and digging out the truth in others. I have the freedom to walk without fear of judgment from others. Conversing with the Poem Guy downtown at the market, finding out what makes him tick. Asking him his name. I head straight for him now when I see him instead of avoiding him like I used to do. He is loved and has value. Just like all of us. Just like the guy who showed me his peanut butter jar half full of weed. He is worthy of being loved. He is worth getting to know. He has gifts and abilities that are essential to others around him. He has value and purpose that goes beyond what he does for a living. I'm hoping that I can pass on a little of that revelation to him just like it was passed on to me. The feeling of freedom that comes with it is so wonderful! 

Thursday, 29 November 2012

A writing project: A Testament of God's Peace in Crisis

I was invited by a friend to attend  a writing class for a few weeks recently. I am glad I did. It was the first time I have made an effort  to learn more about writing. This particular class was about writing a testimony of something God did in our lives. For the first time I had to tell a familiar story from my perspective. I had to express my feelings in the crisis and in the result. This was much harder! I have under valued my own personal experience during my husbands illness because his physical healing and recovery always seemed so much more powerful a story to tell.
So, there are many details missing to this story of the miraculous things God did in saving my husbands life, but here is a small part of that story from my perspective.

A Testament of God’s Peace in Crisis
By Jennifer Mersereau

With a recent move to Winnipeg for a job and our third baby just 3 months old, I felt that our life was finally on the upswing. So when my husband Larry stayed home from his new job with flu like symptoms nothing seemed unusually ominous. Not until he was still sick three days later and difficult to wake up. 

Nine at night I was surprised and concerned to notice blood on a bathroom towel. Inspection found Larry had blood on his lips and tiny red spots all over his face and body, and feet and everywhere I looked. He did not wake with my increasingly frantic investigation until I shook him calling his name repeatedly. He finally did wake, but much to my astonishment he was not at all with it.

The ambulance trip and emergency room stay I walked through in shock. I learned Larry had Endocarditis; an infection in the lining of his heart. The infection had lodged in a heart valve and was throwing off blood clots over his entire body. Those were the red spots I had found all over him, tiny blood clots. In emergency they pumped multiple antibiotics into him at full throttle in hopes of reducing the infection in his blood. I later learned that about 50% of people who contract this type of infection do not survive.

After the first three days of delirium and uncertainty I began to settle into a routine of hospital visits, eating and sleeping. It became my normal. Prayer was big in each hospital room my husband was moved to. We had fully accepted that as God’s children we were not meant to have sickness so that was something I continually spoke against. I, and others with me claimed my husbands health and healing on a daily basis. 

It was a battle though because while we spoke life and healing over Larry, my Mother-in-law continually spoke death and sickness over him. It was becoming more and more evident just how much peace God had given me during this time of crisis as I was forced to deal with my In-Laws daily. They had come to stay while Larry was in hospital, to see their youngest son. 

God’s overwhelming peace was most evident to me the day I walked into the hospital around lunchtime to visit Larry, and was confronted by his folks in the lobby. His Mother approached me angrily. “Hello” I said in my naturally chipper way. “Where have you been”? she laid into me. “You don’t care about Larry! You don’t care that he has an aneurysm in his brain that could rupture at any time”! “You don’t care that he could die at any moment”! Anything else she said went unheard. I was taken aback by the attack. I was deeply hurt. Nothing could have been further from the truth but what could I say? I was very concerned. I was even forced to consider what would happen, and where I would go with our three children should my husband die. Her fears of his demise were unfounded. When I confronted the doctors about the possibility of an aneurysm I was told they had not even done a brain scan yet to know if there was an aneurysm. I decided to instruct the doctors and nurses to not pass on information to my Mother-in-law in order to help reduce the number of things she had to be negative about. I was to control what she knew so I would again not feel like I did not know something about my own husbands condition. 

As time passed another obvious example of God’s peace within me and the lack of peace in my mother-in-law came up. While waiting the five plus hours for the heart surgery to be completed I anxiously avoided my In-Laws. I battled the internal feelings of guilt, hurt and anger towards them. I no longer trusted them. Instead I enjoyed some time laughing and talking in a different room from them with a friend who stayed with me most of the time during the surgery. Once my friend left and I had to return to the surgical waiting room I did not sit close to them at all. The pain I felt from the attack still fresh. When the Surgeon came out of surgery the three of us gathered around him to hear the news. He said, ”Everything went well” , but my relieved response of, “oh good!” went completely unheard because my mother-in-law fainted. 

The physical process of healing for my husband after three surgeries in so many weeks was long but full of much encouragement. I was relieved my In-Laws finally left for home. That alone allowed me to finally process and enjoy the feelings of elation and excitement that I was entitled to feel after such victory in my husband health. We were now able to walk out and speak out our faith without the fear of our words being counteracted at every turn. Larry and I were able to discuss God’s goodness and His peace that I walked in during those hard, stress filled and uncertain days. We continue to marvel at the many large and small miracles that show God’s hand and faithfulness to us in that time of crisis.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Future Forward

This seems like an unlikely and different vein for me to write on, I know. But it's about time I start thinking ahead instead of constantly looking behind (or at my current circumstances). Staying in my present just feels like more of my past, hopeless. Actually this topic creeped up on me after reading this...

It rang too true for me to be comfortable. I didn't like that I agreed with that statement whole-heartedly. It clung to the edges of my mind. Just lurking there.
That had to, and has to change. Every dream I had long ago was pushed down and eventually washed away with every crisis that happened. A few times I dared to think we might be climbing out of debt or the current crisis. But each time that thought was only met with another thud of the hammer on the coffin of my hopes. The verse Proverbs 13:12 was lodged in my heart,

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life."

Of course there was an emphasis in my mind on the first part due to my hopes for " normal" life being crushed.

So all of this lead me to re-read a year old blog of my friends. It is a bucket list. The idea of having a bucket list is SO foreign to me that the first time or two I read it back when it was posted, I marvelled at the idea. I literally thought that there was no way I could ever write one. I had no stinkin' clue what I would put in a list that would be even remotely possible, that I could ever have the gaul to assume I could accomplish. But that was a year ago.

Yesterday, as I read my friends List again I noticed that this past week she actually fulfilled #21, to Scuba Dive. Granted she is learning in the freezing cold waters of the Northumberland Straight in the middle of October, but she can now check it off her list. The neat thing too is that now that she is working on her seals for water rescue she will have this knowledge for life and will be able to scuba dive anywhere in the world she may end up. That's totally cool! 

Last night I opened up Pages and started a list. It's short. It's pathetic. But it's a start at dreaming again, hoping again. And maybe with a list I will have something to look past the current crisis and work towards in spite of circumstances that seem to push me down. Some things I might be able to accomplish within a few weeks, others might take years....or never. But at least, if nothing else I will have accomplished one very important thing necessary to all humans. To hope and dream again for a good future.

Attempt at a 
October 13, 2012

  1. Dream big enough to actually be able to write a bucket list
  2. Read at least one of the 100 greatest Novels (shouldn't this be on every bucket list?)
  3. Publish at least one of my stories/allegories 
  4. Be debt free
  5. Actually fix up and keep up with my garden
  6. Live in the same house at least 10 years
  7. Return to India
  8. Go on a cruise with husband

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Inclination to Friendship

Who am I? Do you know? Do you have the time, the inclination to find out?

How many people do you know by name when you see them? Is it the same number as your friends list on Facebook? Even if you are one of those people who has pared down your list, purged it of those you only met once in high school, or at the bar, or Zumba...
Who would you call an acquaintance and who would you call a friend? And if you were to call them friend, would they call you friend too?
Does friendship just require vast amounts of time spent together? Or an intense experience? Or is it like Anne and Diane? Bosom friends right from the moment you meet? Is it all or none of the above?

I would actually like to know. I have not grown up with many good experiences with friends. Back bitting and bullying in the school yard scarred me for sure and made me less trusting of others. After becoming a christian in my teen years I witnessed and experienced a lot of hypocrisy and showmanship. I called them "the hair people". The ones who had to look and act right in the right places but the surface was often translucent.

I can not say that I still have one friend from my school years, or from my early christian years. Even the friends who were invited to our wedding are all gone. As kids came with physical health issues, and continued money issues due to my husbands health or employer (really, no fault of his own) I felt more and more alone. No one in the halls of our church wanted to really hear how I was doing. I learned that as people backed away when I would tell them how I was. Literally! Instead I took to emotionally vomiting that stuff out to store clerks or strangers because no one else was interested in getting past my daily issues to find out who I was under all of it.

I know, I felt it too. I didn't want to hear about others issues because I had enough of my own. Nor did I want to hear about the latest blessing that had befallen them. That just made me feel inadequate or forgotten by God. So why would I expect others to want to know me? I didn't. I learned to keep to myself. Even the few people who I did socialize with I learned to keep conversation to their health, the weather, or the last thing one of my kids did in school.

Surface relationship was all I was capable of. Though I desired more I learned to ignore that need. It was unrealistic in the environment I lived in. I didn't think I was worthy enough for someone to get to know. I don't think I even knew who I was! All I saw was the circumstances that continually surrounded our family. I was drowning in circumstances and had no one to help point me in the right direction since I had learned not to tell anyone about it. I was too much.

Five years ago we moved here, to Fredericton, New Brunswick. This is the city, in a Province whose motto is Hope Restored in which I found my first REAL friend. She loved me when I was harsh. She loved me when I was broken. She loved me when I was over whelmingly too clingy. I went through every emotion and level, stage, or expression of wrong and right relationship. Her and her husband both continued to approach me with wisdom and Gods love knowing that God created me with gifts and as a gift. I just needed some consistent love from them for all of us to see that I was capable of having a healthy friendship and too see the gifts deeply hidden within and under all the years of overwhelming circumstances. They found me worthy to get to know!

It took most of three years for that revelation to come to me and for me to be capable of healthy relationship. But I got there! For the last two years I have more or less felt calm, and comfortable because I knew that there were at least two people in this world I could confide in, wrestle with and just enjoy time with.

They recently moved away.

I have tried to continue to build relationship with others. People who would also pursue relationship with me. It was going well for a while but I feel I have hit a snag. I'm doubting that anyone but my friend and her husband could ever really love me. Life is so busy, schedules are different and changes have happened in the community all causing road blocks to the ease of the slightly deeper than surface relationships that I have enjoyed over these last few years. Others pull away for reasons unknown. Some have schedules that just don't mesh with my new life of full time work. Others had good friends of their own for some time so they seemed to have no interest in going deep with me. It has been a long time since I have felt this alone. Except this time I know what I'm missing because for awhile I actually had something so very precious.

One friendship I have pursued hard. At first in a mentor type position. Then I tried being the one who was only the listener, instead of the advice giver. Whether right or wrong I eventually shifted to the place of equals and still try to grow deeper in relationship. Sharing from my heart, my emotions, and my history. She has done the same many times. I have allowed full access to every part of my life. I have given in every way I think it is possible to give with the only thing I want in return is deep friendship. Someone I can call on no matter what, no matter when. Someone willing to listen to my stupid ideas, heart aches and joys.

I want someone who will slap my hand and hug me at the same time. A true friend. Nothing more than what I already offer her. But often times I feel nothing but a push and a wall go up. A backing away and a shutting off. And what's hardest about that is I don't know why. Am I getting too personal? Is she just not interested in this depth of friendship with me, because she already has others (or cuz it's me)?

At times I want to give up and go back to being closed off and stone hearted. It was less confusing for one. Less hurtful. And three, it was less mentally time consuming! I seem to over think what's going on, or is not going on. What am I doing right and what am I doing wrong. What is me and what is her? It's exhausting. I have even shed tears over my worries.

I suppose true Godly, unconditional love loves regardless of what it gets back. Even if it looks nothing like what you what it to look like. Or if it's nothing at all! Unconditional means exactly that! No conditions.

I could just be imagining the feeling of a barrier between us. It could be that I still don't really know what friendship actually looks and feels like. It's most likely that I am over expecting and because of that imagining everything else. I don't know. That is why I'm writing. To explore my feelings, thoughts, and heart regarding what friendship means and looks like and feels like. I bet it's even supposed to be different with different people.

I wonder, how does God feel when I shut Him out because He got a little too personal with me? He thinks I'm worth knowing, and pursuing. Or, so I'm told.

Monday, 3 September 2012

An Unexpected Night

Tonight started out as any other. At home watching a t.v. show on the internet. A friend came home with the promise that I would drive her home later. She had mentioned a dream she had and I wanted to hear it. It had rattled her.

Too many people in the house and no where to go in it to talk alone so we left to “take her home”. I was itching for an excuse to get out of the house and just away. She wanted an Ice Cap, and I wanted to drive so I headed to the next city. She turned on the tunes as we drove without words, listening to the worship songs she picked. I found it very hard not to sing.

We stopped and had our treat and I listened to the God dream she had last night. We both had the same interpretation. That was confirmation to me that I am still discerning correctly. Haven’t had very many opportunities to exercise that part of me in a long while. 

I was still restless. I wanted back in the van and to just listen to worship songs. With every turn I went the opposite way from home. I just had no desire to go home. At least not yet. My friend sat quietly, DJ’ing our drive and unknowingly my heart, while I piloted the van a very long way home. Away from town at first, then back towards it the long way. Or so I thought....

As the tunes kept coming they continually softened my heart. I was content to enjoy the drive the long way home until it felt too long. My heart was turning to jelly and my passenger was noticing we should have hit the city by now. We were in the middle of nowhere. A new experience for me. I’m never lost, I have a very good sense of direction. But the fog, dark shiny roads, and the ‘too bright’ headlights must have caused me to miss a sign to turn somewhere. We realized we were nearly an hours drive south of town. Definitely the looong way home!

I got gas and we responsibly turned around and headed back to the City on an actual highway, giggling about our silly adventure. All the while more songs pouring out of the speakers flooding my dry spirit and heart with words and songs I have not heard in a long time, or had the chance to actually soak in. Little did I know at this point how unexpected the rest of my night would turn out! 

I remember saying out loud that I didn’t want to go back home. I seriously contemplated turning down the cut off towards a completely different city while my friend was looking down at the iPod for the next song. I thought she might get upset if I did so I kept heading home. 

At some point I noticed I was mush internally. I seriously needed to lay on the floor and just let these songs keep doing their work. But I was driving! We were both singing the songs we knew and listening to the ones we didn’t. I don’t know if my passenger was feeling the same softening of her heart as I was feeling. I was really liking her song choice and did not desire to stop that. I decided to push through and just get her home.

After a song that had a lot of Hallelujah's in it I could hear her still quietly singing and praying while I was quietly praying in tongues. It’s been too long since I did that too! I took the cut off to the bridge way too fast. I was less in my mind and more in the spirit then I have been in far too long. That turn was scary. I was sincerely worried my friend would not trust my driving again. I apologized several times. 

Now the unexpected happened. Still driving. Still heading for the bridge I was having to purposely breathe calmly. I opened my window fully. My spirit was now at the boiling point. I really really needed to lay down, and said so. I was getting more and more overwhelmed in the spirit than I have ever been. I was trying not to hyperventilate and I was releasing some of that boil-over by making the odd noise here and there. My friend thought this was hilarious. 

Trying to find one last song to tip me over the edge seemed to take her forever. I was anticipating more but was not expecting its force. Especially while driving down a full circle turn off! The first note of the song and I was as doubled over as I could be while still attempting to drive. I felt like I had just been punched in the spiritual gut. I was losing it fast! My passenger was both concerned about my needing to pull over and laughing hysterically at me, saying, “More Lord”. 

We were so close to her house I couldn’t see pulling over. I just wanted to lay down and let happen what needed to happen. I had been SO spiritually thirsty that I was soaking it all in! It was all I could do to stay focused on the road and drive. I pep talked myself there in between groans and spiritual gut punches. By the time I reached her driveway I had pretty much lost the ability to hold on. I was so relieved to park and turn off the van. Still laughing, my friend said she was just feeling Joy. I was shaking. I didn’t yet know what I was feeling except beat up and so full of His spirit that I couldn’t stay still. She had the nerve to keep saying, “More Lord, give her move....” I didn’t hear all of what she said. 

She did say that God was asking me ‘was I ready yet’. My first response was, ‘ready for what? No! I’m not ready, I’m tired of crap’. That response really shows my lack of trust for God I think.

I just wanted to lay down. My giggling passenger got out of the van and headed to the door, asking if I was coming. My legs were shaking so much I didn’t know if I could walk. She refused to help me but went to opened the back door. I stepped out of the van with too many things in my hands, couldn’t seem to lock the van with the FOB and doubled over. Now the full on laughing began. It was giggles at first, then full blown, but muffled laughter. I was only half way to the stairs! About three steps from the van. The second I saw the steps the laughter got harder. There was NO way I was going to make it up those three stairs without a handrail to hold myself up and I knew it. There is no handrail so I crawled up, dragging my purse along with me and laughing harder with each move towards the door. I couldn’t help it. I was loud and was being shushing. She was telling me to get in the house before I wake the neighbours! There is a first for everything : )

I was now laying on the back porch laughing hysterically and unable to move. My friend was sounding rather concerned about something and all I could do was laugh. I really didn’t want to remain in the cold and the dirt of the porch so i somehow managed to get to my knees and crawl into the house. I don’t know if I got part way up, all the way up or not up at all. Maybe I was picked up. I don’t remember but I eventually did end up in the laundry room, safely within the locked doors of the place. As she stepped over me she said I was definitely drunk. I guess I was. This would be a first for that too. I was never this drunk on alcohol before so I have nothing to compare it to but I was dizzy, loud, couldn’t see straight, and couldn’t even sit upright. Next thing I knew I was sliding sideways to the floor again, unable to stop laughing. It has to be the most fun I have ever had, hands, and me, down.

Still being coaxed into the living room I managed to move into the kitchen and sat in front of the oven, trying to catch my breath from all the laughing. Now my body was responding. I was coughing hard enough that I thought I was going to throw up. Not being able to breathe fully does cause me to cough during laughing, but this was a bit more intense. I was vaguely aware that there was praying going on for me. Asked if there was anything I wanted to get off my chest, I instinctually said no. She repeated the question, with an, “are you sure you don’t want to get something off your chest”? Here things changed completely.

I blurted out a statement to which her response was an automatic “no you don’t”, but I said it again and started to bawl. It’s not something I would ever want to repeat again. It was shocking to me too that it came out of my heart in the first place. But it was just where I was at the time. She quietly prayed. When I stopped internally complaining to God about the issue immediately I was being encouraged that He wants me to keep talking to Him about it. She was on the spiritual ball right then. Her spider senses were working and accurate! 

It got quiet for a bit and my friend asked if I had ever lived in the country, or what I thought of the country. I’m a city girl at heart for sure, but something in me would also love to live off the grid and more naturally and sustainably. But all that is a lot of work, work that I’m not really willing or able to do. She described a picture she saw of me, older but not old. Sitting on a veranda in the country. I was at peace. I had more grey hair than I have now, but I was not wrinkled to show actual age. Not much older than I am now in other words. There was stuff like mountains in the distance and I could see much further than most could. I had eyes like eagles eyes. (this vision is deep and intense!) 

STILL wanting me out of the kitchen, and having calmed down I obliged and got off the floor with the help of a kitchen chair. I was still dizzy and stumbled into her living room. Once I plunked down on a couch something seemed to change. I still didn’t want to go home, but within minutes she wanted me to leave. She checked often if I was ok. Maybe she was checking to see if I was falling asleep. Then statements like, ‘I have to get up early for an appointment’ started coming out. As true as I knew that to be she had missed so many before. Simple things have stopped her from going before. It seemed so sudden a change in her attitude. I knew that she must have felt uncomfortable about something, and it was most likely what I had blurted out in the kitchen. If I had been one of her younger girlfriends would she have been so quick to kick them out? Or would she have let them stay the night and see them through to the end of whatever was going on inside? 

It was obvious the night was over weather I wanted it to be or not so I forced myself off the couch and out the door. Yes, I was still a bit stumblie. But I was having to shake it off and sober up so I could go home now. Everything in me was crying to not go home, but now I had no where else to go but home. That feeling of being trapped clamped down on me rather harshly as I drove over that bridge toward home.

I recalled that there had been a change in her tune again once I was in the kitchen. Asking if I was ok, she was now wondering if I should stay. Was that just out of guilt perhaps? Unless there is a spiritual difference in each room of her house. That’s possible too. But it was too late by then. I was not going to stay somewhere I felt I wasn’t wanted. Had I just unintentionally crossed a line of exposing myself too much?

Perhaps that was the reason for the unsettled feeling that had suddenly appeared. Maybe I was being rejected again because too much got exposed and it was felt that I am too much to handle. This whole experience kind of did blindside both of us. Maybe my friend was just not prepared to handle the clean up of the train wreck that had just happened in her kitchen. When God moves, you gotta be prepared to see His work through. If He started something He will help you see it through if you let Him.

It should be interesting to see what the relationship feels like over the next few days. I really hope it’s not damaged. Only time will tell. So far my friend has not checked in with me to see if I even got home safe. Maybe I should be the one to contact her and find out  what she has going through her head and heart about tonight. It would be the mature thing to do. I feel that shrinking back feeling of shame and embarrassment too though. I’ll have to fight it if I want to show her I want to keep our friendship. It is really important to me. She is really important to me.

A side note: As I think about the vision she had of me earlier, it strikes me first that I was alone. Second the grey hair without the age to match speaks of wisdom beyond my years. Thirdly, the eagles eyes speak of the prophets ability to see what is coming in the future. 
Peace is one of those things I have learned by experience to stop hoping to enjoy. Maybe peace really will one day come. I can’t make myself feel it. It will have to be a gift that I don’t work for. I’m willing to let it come and until it does I will wait.

Let it be Lord.


Monday, 16 July 2012

Induced Selective Hearing

I seem to find myself in a strange situation. I can't hear well with my left ear.
Nothing to be concerned with I'm sure, it's just ear wax build up. It's how long it has lasted that has me frustrated. If it was a day or two I wouldn't be bothered enough to write about it. So far it's lasted just over a week.
I'm sporadically making attempts to clear it up. Using over the counter ear drops, hot water showers and letting it run in my ear. Even pouring warm water in my ear over the bathroom sink with my Netty Pot. So far nothing has worked.
It's not painful at all. Just feels annoyingly full. The dulled sound is frustrating. I can't tell how loud I'm speaking so people keep asking me to repeat myself. I can't hear well enough so I'm asking everyone to repeat themselves. Lots of noise, or loud sudden noises are very overwhelming and almost painful in my right ear.
Another thing I have noticed is the ringing in my head. I knew it was there for about a year now. A side effect of some medication I'm on. Usually background music is enough to drowned it out, but it is exaggerated now in my plugged ear. It's all I hear. It's not only annoying but tiresome, and can give me a headache. Nothing drowns it out now.
I have one unexpected observation. I'm in a more intimate world. I can't hear phones ring or buzz. Kids voices downstairs are now absent, and conversations in another room are too hard to hear to be concerned with trying to make out the dialogue. Big noises I notice but even their direction is unclear. I can't tell if it is coming from my house or outside.
So far I've missed phone calls, details of a prayer request and I don't listen to my radio much because it overwhelms me.
So no big deal...I know. This too will pass.
But what is God saying to me? What some might consider a coincidence or making to much out of nothing I am willing to see differently. I know God speaks all the time. He never stopped speaking. So I need to pay attention.
I recognize I've been drowning Him out with everything and anything I can find. I'm not ready to risk giving Him my all yet.
Perhaps He is ready for me to stop my neglecting of Him. Maybe He is wanting to help me remove some of those distractions I keep putting in front of Him. Your turn to guess.
What do you think God is trying to say to me?
What do you think He is saying to you?!? and How is He saying it?

Sunday, 3 June 2012

A Poem, just for a change.

I thought I'd change it up a bit tonight and post a poem I finished today.
I'm not the kind who tends to ponder long on poems. Long for me is just a half to a full hour at most. So this one is different. I have been pondering it for about a week now, but I wrote it today.
Don't think it's some earth shatteringly deep revelatory literary work. I'm not going to say I'm not capable of that, but I've not studied writing or practised much. I've never even read one of the top 100 novels. It's not a life ambition of mine. Not on a bucket list, which I don't have either.
But! This poem did come from inspiration. A friend on Facebook posted a photo with three words. I thought they would make a great album name, since she is a beautiful singer and musician. Then a few days later she had on her status the first line of this poem. I found it profound and mentioned it would make a great line in a song. Strangely enough, she claimed to not even have posted it. It was a hacked post. 
Funny how God is. Sometimes you can find inspiration, clues, and even destiny wrapped up in the most unsuspecting places. Or in the most unusual wrapping! This was one for me. I just couldn't forget the title or the line. I've mulled it over and it wouldn't let go of me. I had to put down something. 
Not sure if it's exactly what I wanted to write at all, but it is what came out. So I'm deciding to trust that this is what was meant to come out. 
I hope you like it.

The Wise Ocean

By Jennifer J. Mersereau
June 3rd, 2012

Your life is full of whimsy and dance-filled meanings
Shades of blue and green mingle 
As sun and sky softly caress the surface
Which moves and stands still all at once
Forcing feelings to breach the bubble
Light penetrates and opens opportunity
Breath held for just a moment
Then motions become one
Both cold and warmth envelope gently
Sense of time stands still
Or rushes up to catch you
It can hold you in its hands
It can tumble you out like dice
Deep and deeper still
Falling up and out
Drifting through and from and to
Face up and eyes wide open
Nothingness feels so real
Everything osculates at once
Carried by the wind and water
Even sky stands still
Solid form is just a fragment
Imaginary thoughts escape
Fire submerged ignites within
Travailing to love
Whispers the Wise Ocean,

Ripples the Wise Ocean,

Swells the Wise Ocean,

Thunders the Wise Ocean